Social Service

Man is a social animal and always in need of the society to help them out in their shortfalls and shortcomings. We as an organization help to bring out the best in the society through various means, particularly in the field of education. Producing well behaved and well bred citizens from the younger generation that feel obliged and happy to help the people of their vicinity, so as to make the world a better place to live in and make our nation much more habitable and hospitable. All this is only possible with the best possible education, not just in literal sense but an all-round development, bringing out what is best in a child; mind; body, and spirit. A spirit to serve one another and the thought of universal brotherhood.

Not only this aspect, but our foundation also tries to cover the aspect of donations that actually saves the life of people. Blood donations are provided to the needy so as to save life which is precious irrespective of wealth. You can also register with Aaw-Nur foundation, as our regular blood donor & a mere donation of few pints from your end can become the source of somebody’s life breath.

Our Social Service

Environment Awareness

Drug De-Addiction

Disaster Management